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Astonishing 3D images generated by World’s first full body scanner

  • Published | 21 November 2018
World’s first body scanner named EXPLORER produced astonishing 3D images by combining positron emission tomography and x-ray computed tomography. This is expected to have a huge and positive effect on the healthcare industry.
World: The first medical imaging scanner in the world that can capture 3D picture of the complete human body at once in as less as 20-30 seconds has produced the first scans. This technology can assist in improving diagnostics as well as tracking disease progression and researching new drug therapies. The new scanner named EXPLORER; conglomerates positron emission tomography (PET) along with x-ray computed tomography (CT) and is able to produce images up to 40 times faster. The first images of humans that have been produced by the scanner using the new device will be revealed at the upcoming Radiological Society of North America meeting in Chicago. This new invention is estimated to highly drive the healthcare market since now the scanning for various diseases will become easier and advance. The scanner is also capable of capturing radiation far more proficiently than other scanners. According to Ramsey Bawadi, chief of Nuclear Medicine at the University of California in the U.S. said, "The level of detail was astonishing... We could see features that you just don't see on regular PET scans. And the dynamic sequence showing the radiotracer moving around the body in three dimensions over time was, frankly, mind-blowing." Ramsey Badawi together with Simon Jerry conceptualised the whole body scanner for the first time around 13 years ago. Cherry believes EXPLORER will have a profound influence on patient care as well as clinical research since for the first time; an imaging scanner has been made which is capable of evaluating what is happening in various organs as well as tissues in the body simultaneously. According to BlueWeave Consulting, the scanner named EXPLORER scans the whole body by combining X-ray computed tomography along with positron emission tomography. This has been developed by a collaboration of scientist and engineers from UC Davis and Shanghai-based United Imaging Healthcare respectively. The results according to the researchers are astounding and can revolutionise the whole patient care and clinical research. According to Mr. Cherry “While I had imagined what the images would look like for years, nothing prepared me for the incredible detail we could see on that first scan.” The machine is also proficient in quantitatively measuring the flow of blood or how the body takes up glucose through all the parts. Researchers are envisaging that they can use the scanner to study cancer which has spread beyond a single tumour site, infection, inflammation, metabolic or immunological disorders, and various other diseases. The scanner can efficiently produce detailed images by using considerably lower doses of radiation tracers than the amount currently needed. The higher sensitivity in the scanner also allows the clinicians to image certain molecular targets which are not possible within the limits of current scanning systems. Thus, the introduction of the new scanner will change the way healthcare industry work and highly grow the market. According to upcoming report by BlueWeave Consulting on “Global IoT Medical Devices Market, By Product, By Type, By Connectivity Technology, By End-Use,  By Region- Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends & forecast by 2018-2025”, the market is projected to grow at an accelerated pace with significant CAGR. The IoT medical devices offer various advantages, like seamless transfer of EHR, enhanced patient safety, allow patient engagement, reduces medical errors, and helps in patient centric care delivery. Government is constantly taking initiatives to promote digital health by investing in new and advance technologies which will make healthcare more specific and benefitting. This coupled with rising focus on the engagement of active patients and patient centric care delivery is highly driving the market.