Vertical Farming: Leading the Global Agricultural Revolution

  • Published | 01 July 2024

Vertical Farming Leading the Global Agricultural Revolution

Rapid urbanization, natural disasters, global warming, and the uncontrolled use of chemicals and pesticides have significantly reduced soil fertility and productivity. According to Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the amount of arable land per capita has decreased, with projections indicating that by 2050, it will be less than 0.20 hectares, less than a third of the 1970 level. This decline in soil health, coupled with a growing population expected to reach 8.9 billion by 2050, necessitates a 50% increase in food production, requiring additional arable land that is unavailable. Traditional soil-based agriculture is under threat, making food production increasingly challenging. To address these issues, modern, efficient, and environmentally friendly farming practices are essential. Vertical farming, a soil-free cultivation system, offers a promising solution. It can supplement conventional farming by alleviating the shortage of fertile land and water, ensuring sustainable food production despite the limitations posed by soil degradation and climate change.

Overview of the Vertical Farming Industry:

The global vertical farming industry is USD 3 billion in 2021 to USD 4 billion in 2022. Further, the market is forecast to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 26% to $21 billion by 2029. With the increase in population and the rise in demand for healthy and safe food, farmers are tending to use new methods and technologies in the agriculture industry, known as vertical farming.

Vertical Farming Industry

Key Advantages of Vertical Farming

  • Efficient Land Use: Vertical farming significantly reduces the amount of land required for agriculture by utilizing vertical space. This is particularly beneficial in urban areas where land is scarce and expensive.

  • Reduced Water Consumption: Vertical farms use advanced hydroponic, aeroponic, and aquaponic systems, which require up to 95% less water than traditional farming methods.

  • Year-Round Crop Production: Controlled indoor environments allow for continuous cultivation, independent of seasonal changes. This leads to consistent crop yields and helps stabilize food supply chains.

  • Minimized Pesticide Use: The controlled environment reduces the need for pesticides and herbicides, resulting in cleaner, safer produce. This also reduces the environmental impact associated with chemical use in agriculture.

  • Reduced Transportation Emissions: By situating farms closer to urban centers, vertical farming cuts down on the distance food travels from farm to table. This reduces transportation emissions and delivers fresher produce to consumers.

Vertical Farming Revolution

The Methodologies of Vertical Farming

Vertical farming methodologies can be categorized into hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics, each differing in their use of soil and water. Hydroponics allows farmers to have complete control over the system, using water more efficiently and enhancing the quality and taste of produce. These advantages are driving the growth of hydroponics as a preferred vertical farming method. Aeroponics, on the other hand, uses air to grow crops, providing an innovative approach to soil-free cultivation. Aquaponics combines plant cultivation with fish farming, where fish waste is converted into nitrates that feed the plants. In turn, the plants filter and clean the water before it is returned to the fish tanks. These diverse methodologies offer sustainable solutions for modern agriculture, each with unique benefits and applications.

Structure Analysis:

Vertical farms are increasingly utilizing new and abandoned buildings in cities for development. For instance, Bowery Farming in NYC repurposed abandoned warehouses into urban farms, supplying fresh produce to local establishments. The use of shipping container-based structures is expected to grow, allowing for indoor farm setups with remote control and monitoring capabilities via computer or smartphone. This trend signifies a shift towards innovative, space-efficient farming methods, harnessing technology to optimize agricultural production in urban environments.

Component Analysis:

Vertical farming integrates various manufacturing components crucial for its operations. LED lighting is gaining prominence due to its low operational cost and energy efficiency, making it ideal for farms. These components, combined with climate control systems, sensors for monitoring, irrigation setups, and fertigation equipment, contribute to the rapid and steady growth of this segment.

Vertical Farming: Patents

Before 2007, patent filings for vertical farming solutions were scarce. However, the past decade has witnessed a surge in patents. China leads in international patent applications across all technology areas, reflecting its significant advancements. Despite this, major investments in vertical farming have been predominantly attracted by firms in the United States and Europe. This trend highlights the growing global interest and innovation in vertical farming, positioning it as a key area for technological development and investment.

Cost of Running a Vertical Farm

In second-generation farms, key functions like plant growing, farm management, harvesting, and post-harvesting processes (sorting, grading, packaging) are automated. Some companies claim to have reduced labor by up to 80% and power usage by up to 50%, significantly improving the efficiency of their vertical farm operations through the incorporation of advanced automation technologies.

Vertical Farming Demand

Recent Developments:

  • In June 2024, Philips Horticulture LED Solutions and Hoogendoorn Growth Management partnered to enhance vertical farming. Their partnership aims to combine horticulture lighting technology with greenhouse automation solutions, resulting in improved dynamic lighting for vertical farms.

  • In February 2023, commercial real estate trust Realty Income invested nearly $1 billion towards the development of indoor farm space for vertical farming startup Plenty. Realty Income announced to acquire and provide development funding for properties and then Plenty will lease and turn into vertical farms.

  • In March 2023, Foresight Group (“Foresight”), the listed sustainability-led alternative investment manager, is pleased to announce it has reached an agreement with Harvest London, a UK-based controlled environment agriculture company, to aid the expansion of the vertical farming industry.


In the dynamic landscape of the vertical farming industry, technological innovations and sustainability imperatives converge to redefine modern agriculture. The sector's evolution from traditional practices to sophisticated vertical farms underscores a pivotal shift towards resource-efficient, high-yield food production. Advanced automation, data analytics, and controlled environments optimize crop growth, minimize waste, and reduce environmental impacts. This transformative journey is fueled by strategic investments, collaborative research, and market responsiveness. As vertical farming pioneers novel solutions to global food challenges, its potential spans urban food security, climate resilience, and economic diversification, heralding a new era of sustainable agriculture with far-reaching societal benefits.

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